Legal requests to CAIR Washington do not, in and of themselves, constitute the formation of an attorney client relationship between CAIR Washington or any legal person, entity or group. Please be advised that, the submission and delivery of a legal request form does not thereby give rise to any of the legal or ethical protections of the attorney client relationship with respect to any legal privilege or ethical duty running between client and attorney, including without limitation, the attorney client privilege.
The decision to take on a case is entirely at the discretion of our staff attorney. Once we are able to review the details that you provide us, we will make a determination as to whether there is sufficient evidence to move forward, and whether we have the resources and capacity to effectively assist you.
Please be aware that individuals who represent themselves as qualified to offer legal advice or services concerning immigration or other matters of law, who have no such qualification, routinely victimize members of immigration communities. If you are in need of immigration services, including filling out forms, please contact a licensed attorney, or fill out CAIR-WA’s get help form.